How to find a hypnotherapist in Sydney

If you’ve decided to explore hypnotherapy, you now need to find the right person to guide you. Especially if you are looking for a hypnotherapist in Sydney, because there are a lot to choose from! 

Selecting the right hypnotherapist is important, because like any therapy, the rapport between therapist and client plays a big role in whether or not you see results. If you don’t feel comfortable enough to open up to your therapist and talk honestly about your concerns, the therapy won’t be as powerful as it could be. 

Here are some factors you may wish to consider when selecting a hypnotherapist:

Does this person show empathy, create safety and have the ability to truly listen to you? In therapeutic terms, we call this the ability to “hold space” for the client. Therapy can feel vulnerable, so a sense of safety and trust is important. You won’t vibe with everyone, and it’s a bit of a leap of faith in the first session, but trust your instinct when selecting someone who feels like a good fit for you. Taking time to look around their website and social media platforms will give you are indication of their style, especially in videos where you get to see and hear them and get a better sense of who this person is and whether you want to work with them.

Qualifications. Take note of the type of training the hypnotherapist has. Unfortunately there are people in this industry who have very little training and are putting themselves forward as hypnotherapists. To be safe, look for a hypnotherapist who is a member of the professional body, as there are stringent qualification standards that need to be met and maintained in order to join. For example, I am a member of the Australian Hypnotherapists Association, which requires ongoing supervision, education and training ensuring that members are up to date with developments in the industry and have adequate support in their practice.

Trauma informed: These days it’s a no-brainer that your hypnotherapist should be trauma informed, even if you are not coming in specifically for trauma healing. When you start going into a person’s mental/emotional space, past hurts can sometimes be triggered so it is important your hypnotherapist knows how to support you through this and provide a safe healing environment. 

Realistic expectations. Sustainable results in hypnotherapy, like any form of change work, takes time, commitment and effort from the client. Be wary of hypnotherapists who promise a quick fix or “one session and I solve all your problems” type approach. There are some out there who are more interested in lining their pockets than offering a genuine solution to their client’s problem. Use both your brain and your intutition to decide whether something sounds legitimate, or just too good to be true! 

Non-judgement. A good therapist will not judge their client, and will not allow personal views to interfere with the therapeutic process. The client’s beliefs and worldview are to be respected (unless of course it is these beliefs and worldview are contributing to the maintenance of the problem the client wants to solve, in which case a good therapist will gently challenge them). 

Some of my clients are very spiritual and are interested in exploring quantum healing hypnosis and regressions, whereas other clients prefer more psychological or scientific approach. I will work in either or both ways depending on what will be in the best interests of the client. Flexibility is important from both therapist and client.

I hope these tips have been helpful! If you would like to learn more about how I work with clients, feel free to book a Discovery Call. 




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