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Author: Alarna Carlsson

How to overcome resistance

Resistance feels like a force within you that is in opposition to something that you want. Resistance to taking action is common, even when those actions would serve you well. For example, you say you want to get fit. You have a multitude of reasons why getting fit would be highly beneficial. You remind yourself

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Managing seasonal depression

When the season turns to winter, the relative cold and dark of the weather can be a catalyst for many people to experience an increase of depressive thoughts and feelings. We know that sunshine, light and warmth are mood enhancers, and unfortunately the opposite effect can transpire in winter months. Lucklily, there is help available

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How to find a hypnotherapist in Sydney

If you’ve decided to explore hypnotherapy, you now need to find the right person to guide you. Especially if you are looking for a hypnotherapist in Sydney, because there are a lot to choose from!  Selecting the right hypnotherapist is important, because like any therapy, the rapport between therapist and client plays a big role

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How to change anxious thoughts

Anxiety is the result of thinking in a particular way. Once you learn to change anxious thoughts (or at least to change the way you respond to anxious thoughts) you can greatly reduce the amount of anxiety you experience.  This is powerful because while external circumstances are often largely beyond your control, but we are

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Is hypnotherapy effective for weight loss?

Yes! Hypnotherapy is effective for weight loss (when combined with healthy eating and regular movement), because it helps to shift the underlying emotional patterns that cause you to overeat.  Food and exercise are obviously important. However if you are considering whether hypnotherapy can help you, I am assuming you have probably already tried many diets,

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Can anyone be hypnotised?

This is a common question that potential clients ask me, and it’s understandable that you might be reluctant to make a booking with a hypnotherapist if you doubt your ability to be hypnotised!  Here’s what I say in response:

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Quieting the Inner Critic

It would be rare for me to work with a client for any length of time and not have the inner critic come up. You know the one I mean: that nagging voice inside of you who is never satisfied.  “Why did you say that? You sounded so stupid. I bet everyone is laughing at

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How to love yourself

We hear a lot about self love these days, but what exactly is it and more to the point, how to we actually do it? Because let’s be honest, for most of us loving ourselves doesn’t come easily and it feels a bit cringe sometimes to even talk about it! For me, when I think

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Healing Emotional Triggers

One of the keys to growth, change and expansion is being able to work through emotional triggers without immediately descending into old patterns. When we have a strong emotional reaction to a person or situation, it is often because the situation has tapped into past pain that has not been processed. The pain is coming

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Waves of Release

Would you like a free Hypnosis audio to release stress at the end of the day?