Author: Alarna Carlsson

Holistic anxiety treatment

In my experience, successfully treating anxiety in the long term requires a holistic approach. Here are some of the elements we will work with. (Please note that not all elements are relevant for everyone.) Conscious mind Noticing what triggers an anxious response in you and identifying the pattern you are running. Learning to interrupt that

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Cultivating self worth

The Journey: Too many years spent doubting my worth. Too many years comparing myself to others. Too many years judging myself according to other people’s reactions.  Too many years following a path laid out for me by… who exactly? Too many years afraid to disappoint the people I love. Too many years hustling for a

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Reflections on 2023.

2023 was another potent year of diving into the shadows and burning through deeper layers of the past.  In the process I really explored what it means to soften into loving myself, and deepened into the practice of showing up for myself with compassion and grace, even when (or especially when) it felt messy, difficult

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How to stop repeating the past

One of the most common reasons people seek therapy of any kind, is that they get sick and tired of repeating the same mistakes over and over again! Or finding themselves in the same life circumstances over and over again! It may be with different people in different places, but the underlying dynamic is basically

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How to Change a Limiting Belief

The importance of your beliefs cannot be understated. Empowering beliefs can lift you to great heights and keep you motivated when times are challenging. Disempowering beliefs will cut you off at the knees and cause you to feel continually not good enough.  Hypnotherapy is an effective way to change your core beliefs. Your World View

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Sydney hypnotherapy hypnotherapist Alarna Carlsson eastern suburbs

What are the benefits of hypnotherapy?

There are many wonderful benefits of hypnotherapy and the state of hypnosis. Here are just a few: During hypnosis you are guided by the therapist into a state of “trance”, which is a gentle and naturally occurring state of deep internal focus. The analytical or conscious mind is quietened, and you are in a state

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5 reasons you may feel stuck (and what to do about it)

Here are some common reasons you may be feeling stuck:  You prioritise comfort over growth. Change is rarely comfortable, so if you avoid feelings of discomfort your progress in life is more likely to be slow. Where can you start  to push your edges? All growth lies in those uncomfortable spaces. You blame others for

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How to overcome social anxiety with hypnotherapy

Overcoming social anxiety with hypnotherapy Social anxiety is a term that describes a state of feeling shy, nervous, or awkward when meeting and interacting with other people. It can be anything from a mild fear to a full-blown panic at the thought of attending particular events. Social anxiety can get in the way of making

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Sydney hypnotherapy hypnotherapist Alarna Carlsson happier

How to be happier

With the craziness of the world not looking like it’s going to abate any time soon, how can we live the happiest possible life in the face of such chaos? Is it even realistic to strive for consistent happiness these days? In this article I’m exploring the topic of how to be happier. What is

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How to overcome perfectionism

Perfectionism is a real joy killer. It’s that little voice inside your head that is just never satisfied. It’s the tendency to look for faults, find the error, and never feel good enough. Perfectionism is basically a form of high functioning anxiety, and can produce all the symptoms of anxiety which can really impact your

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